Transitioning from your Legacy Library Management System (LLMS) to Infiniti is called on-boarding. The Infiniti Conversion Team will manage your transition from your LLMS to Infiniti over the coming weeks and communicate with you, as required, during this period. 

The on-boarding process consists of four (4) sequential phases: Registration → Conversion (3 to 7 working days) → Staging (6 to 12 hours over a period of 5 to 10 school days) → Production.

Community Registration

Community Registration is very important for online support. First you will receive an email invitation to join the Infiniti Community Portal. Simply click on the link in the email invitation and set your password. Your login ID is your email address.

Next you will be asked to supply the details of additional library support staff who will require access to Infiniti Community Support server. Please create a new ticket and provide this information (name, email address, and role information is all you need to send) as soon as possible to enable our Support Team to register your staff and invite them to join. Remind them to accept and to finalise their membership after they receive a their invitation. It is critical this registration process be completed.

Conversion Phase

  • starts with the delivery of an up-to-date backup of your legacy LLMS database/s from your IT Manager to our secure FTP site on the scheduled date...
  • and continues with our Conversion Team converting your data to Infiniti...
  • and then we will invite you to take a quick (search only) of your new Infiniti on what we call our Staging Server.
Remember you cannot make any changes to your LLMS after you upload your backup.

A typical conversion takes place on our Staging Server and usually requires 3 to 7 school days to complete for a single database conversion - although this time frame cannot be guaranteed. 

Therefore, within a few school days of our Conversion Team receiving your LLMS database backup you can expect to receive a message advising you that your converted data is ready for initial review via a simple OPAC search.

Generally by this time you will have scheduled your staging webinar for a couple of school days after your conversion is complete. Following the staging webinar you will be able to start circulating in Infiniti (issuing loans, processing returns, and printing overdue reports). After staging finishes, your Infiniti will be moved to our Infiniti Production Server.

Timeline - Backup To Staging Webinar

The minimum lapsed timeline if approximately 5 school days in the following order:

  1. Your database backup is uploaded to FTP on the agreed date.
  2. You receive confirmation of receipt of your database backup.
  3. Your data is converted.
  4. You receive an invitation to search (OPAC only) your new catalogue via the Internet.
  5. You participate in your (by now) scheduled staging webinar.


Staging is the term we use to describe the interim phase between restricted daily use and normal daily use of Infiniti. Staging commences with a webinar. During the staging phase you should limit your Infiniti activities to circulation, OPAC, and inspecting your converted data to compare it with your legacy data. At the completion of staging, your Infiniti will be moved to Production (see below).

Your one (1) hour PD Staging Webinar will provide you with guidance on how and what to do during this phase. In brief, staging:

  • should be completed within 6 to 12 hours over a lapsed period of 5 to 10 school days.
  • gives you an opportunity to carefully cross check your LLMS data with the data converted to Infiniti to ensure that no data or records have been left behind.
  • allows you to report to our Conversion Team any missing or incomplete records.
  • allows our Conversion Team the opportunity to locate missing records or data.
  • is not a time for you to make changes to your newly converted data.
  • concludes when you advise our Conversion Team that your data conversion has been successfully completed. Note: Our Conversion Team cannot process bulk data change requests not directly related to data conversion during this phase because such changes can compromise the conversion checking process.
While in staging you are comparing data and records in your LLMS with the same data and records in Infiniti. If you report missing data or incomplete records our Conversion Team will investigate and attempt to correct these records. During this phase our Conversion Team may contact you by phone and/or email for additional information or clarification, and ideally you will have access to your LLMS to address their questions.


Production is the term used to describe the normal day to day use of Infiniti. The colloquial term is "go live". In production you are performing all normal library management tasks in Infiniti on a daily basis.