The autoSync or scheduled automatic transfer of patron profile data allows your IT Manager to set up automatic transfer and update processes between suitable data sources such as your school's administration system and Infiniti and LibPaths. This is a "set and forget" transfer facility which, once set up, will run according to the schedule implemented by your IT Manager.
All patrons require a basic profile to be registered. Patron profiles can also be registered or updated via manual entry, manual import or by automatic transfer.
autoSync Options
Infiniti autoSync provides four (4) options for automatically scheduling the transfer and update of patron data from a suitable source, e.g., a student management system and/or a timetable management system to Infiniti and LibPaths. Three (3) of these options use CSV (Comma Separated Value) files that you, or your IT team, have generated from your internal systems.
These transfers use scripts created and scheduled by your school's suitably qualified IT Technician. The scripts are not intended for use by library managers or library staff and do not run in a browser. Alternatively you can subscribe (fee applies) to the DataOps API to retrieve data from Wonde for the Patron account transfer option only.
The four (4) autoSync options: