there are two schools of thought on adding Issues in subscriptions:
1. Using the Subscription module, a new Bib record for each Issue mirrors the standard Bib record structure with duplicate copies/Issues attached to the Bib record. This allows:
the correct Issue/volume to display on the front page of the Opac
- the correct cover image for the Issue to display on Opac
- ability to add extra cataloguing for articles in this issue on the TOC with tab associated Subject headings, authors, etc.
- ability to attach all copies received for this Issue for different budget departments
- takes up more room on the Opac
- each Issue copy can be Reserved if necessary
2. Adding all Issues of a periodical for the year to one Bib record:
- cannot be done through the Subscription module, or if it is, then the subscription would have to be for one Issue and only one could be received. The rest of the issues for that year would just be added to the one Bib record
does not allow the individual Issue/volume numbers entered - will have to be in title or Notes
- does not allow any TOC details on special articles with associated Subject headings, authors, etc.
- does not deal with multiple copies of the same Issue - they just have to be added to the same Bib record
- takes up less real estate on the Opac results
- cannot reserve a particular Issue as reservation is placed on the Title not the copies