Physical resources are physical curriculum, teaching and learning materials such as books, DVDs, kits, posters, magazines, and other paraphernalia you might like to catalogue. Descriptive records of physical items, often called catalogue records, can be catalogued in Infiniti using either an original (manual) cataloguing method or by importing USMARC records when available. Once catalogued, physical resources can be loaned as required. From a cataloguing perspective, physical resources must be tagged to a locally defined library site and section within Infiniti to allow Circulation Rights to be turned ON or OFF for target audiences.
Cataloguing Physical Resources
Infiniti readily supports the cataloguing of both Physical Resources and Digital Resources. Physical Resources stored in your Infiniti catalogue are identified with attributes like title, call number, subjects, barcode, and numerous other data. The major distinction between physical and digital resources in Infiniti is that digital resources are stored in digital file format on a computer disk somewhere, whereas physical resources are stored in physical format on library shelves in a geographical or physical setting, usually in your school. Because of this major distinction Infiniti manages physical and digital resources differently and requires the cataloguer to clearly identify a resource as being either physical or digital.
Note: Physical resources like iPads, cameras, DVD players, and other items that have serial numbers and other asset attributes are best catalogued in the optional eAsset Manager.
This distinction is clearly made by tagging each physical resource with three key attributes or tags attached to each physical resource at catalogue time:
- Media Type - found in the Bibliographic record, Infiniti has a number of reserved media types and you can define additional local media types. Every media type is identified as either physical or digital. Common physical media types might be; book, kit, poster, game, and DVD.
- Site - all resource copies are stored in a Site and you can define local Sites. Every site is identified as either physical, digital or either.
- Section - all resource copies are stored in a library section and you can define local Sections. Digital links are auto stored in the system Digital Section by Infiniti. They cannot be stored in any other sections.
Infiniti has a number of reserved and pre-defined media types, sections and sites. Reserved media types and sections are italicised. You should familiarise yourself with the pre-defined physical media types, section and sites prior to cataloguing physical resources.
The process of cataloguing physical resources consists of two basic steps:
- Create a bibliographic record for the resource.
- Attach one or more holdings or copies to the bibliographic record.
Manually Catalogue a Physical Resource
This method applies to books and all other physical resources. Physical resources are physical, can be borrowed, and can have a barcode label attached.
Go to: Cataloguing > Physical Resources
- Choose the type of media you are going to catalogue from the Physical Resources list to open the template.
- populate or record bibliographic data as required. Note: To switch to a different media type, choose from the available physical Media Type in the drop down list.
- Optionally upload
cover image to display for this record. Note: Cover art will will be retrieved from your nominated source based on ISBN and enhances the OPAC presentation. A cover image will not be retrieved if a locally created cover image is uploaded.
- Save
the record.
- review MARC 21 data. Note: MARC 21 records are for display and export purposes only and are not editable in Infiniti.
- populate individual record data:
- Choose
- Choose
- Provide details for:
- Site - which digital site or library will this resource be stored in.
- Status - the resources' status. Note: This will usually be On Shelf.
- Budget Dept - budget used to purchase this resource if applicable.
- Section - which section of the library will this resource be stored in.
- Check
Remember for me if you want Infiniti to remember these editable attributes in point 7. for the following physical resources you catalogue; uncheck the box when you wish to alter these attributes or return to the default Configure > Cataloguing.
- Provide Invoice Number and check
, Supplier, Cost, Replacement Cost, Local Call Number an invoice number.
- Note: If you add a Supplier, you MUST check the invoice number box and record an invoice number (even the date) or an Open order will be created.
- Each copy of a resource requires a barcode. Scan, type, or generate a barcode:
- Barcodes:
- If Auto-generate Barcodes
is not checked you can scan a barcode number for each copy of the resource into the barcode box, or you can check the box.
- If Auto-generate Barcodes
is checked set the number of barcode numbers to generate and choose the Barcode Scheme to use from those defined. Or you can choose to deactivate the barcode number generator by unchecking the box and scan barcodes manually using one of the defined schemes:
- Detect Scheme From Barcode Sheet - scan the next available barcode from your stationery.
- Prefix: {XXX} | Digits: {?} - choose the barcode scheme.
- If Auto-generate Barcodes
- Check
Add to Print Label Queue if you want to print spine labels or barcode labels for this resource.
- Site - which digital site or library will this resource be stored in.
- selectively record the table of contents of a resource.
- will only be visible if you have enabled a reading scheme. Note: If one or more reading schemes are enabled, or if the librarian has decided to edit some values of an API enabled reading scheme, e.g., Accelerated Reader, then multiple scheme records will display on this page.
Note: Often the values set for Site, Status, Budget Dept and Section are the same for each batch of physical records catalogued. CheckRemember for Me if you would like to use the values displayed for the current record on future records. You can instruct Infiniti to remember your settings as required. When unchecked, the catalogue settings will return to the default settings from the Configure > Settings > General screen.
Importing MARC 21 Records For Books
If you have access to MARC 21 bibliographic records (free or paid) via a Z39.50 catalogue server and you configure the server for cataloguing, you can speed up the cataloguing process by importing bibliographic records directly from the Z39.50 server. The quality of the imported records is determined by the source server.
Import Bibliographic Records
You can choose:
- Catalogue bibliographic records one at a time from one source.
- Catalogue bibliographic records in batches from one source.
- Catalogue bibliographic records one at a time from multiple sources.
- Catalogue bibliographic records in batches from multiple sources.
Go to: Cataloguing
- Scan book ISBN.
Edit A Catalogued Resource
- Search for the resource to duplicate using the options available.
- Click
to retrieve the resource onto the cataloguing work bench.
- Edit the Bibliographic Record and Copies to suit.
Copy Cataloguing
Copy cataloguing allows you to duplicate the bibliographic record of an item.
- Search for the resource to duplicate using the options available.
- Click
to retrieve the resource onto the cataloguing work bench.
- Copy
the bibliographic record displayed.
- The bibliographic record immediately will be the copy or duplicate.
- Edit this record and add copies to suit.
Reservations From Catalogue Page
Reservations from the cataloguing page may be useful for reserving items in acquisitions, e.g., on order but not yet delivered, or not available for display on the OPAC.
- Search for the resource to reserve using the options available.
- Click
to retrieve the resource onto the cataloguing work bench.
- Copy
the bibliographic record displayed.
Merge Bibliographic Records
Refer to Merge Bibliographic Records.