Infiniti supports the creation and printing of custom resource labels. Custom labels can be used in conjunction with spine labels and barcode labels or they can be used as an alternative to these. Custom labels can contain any combination of; main title, main author, barcode, barcode number, call number, site, and section. Label dimensions can vary according to requirements. Custom labels can incorporate a variety of fonts, colours, and layouts. Labels are prepared in the custom label management and workspace and printed to PDF for preview prior to printing to appropriate stationery.
Custom Labels
Note: Prior to printing a custom label check if a custom template has already been created in the label templates library.
Create A Custom Label Template
Go to: Cataloguing > Label Printing > Templates
- Provide a suitable Template Name.
- Choose Unit of Measure.
- Choose Paper Size.
- Set Top Margin and Left Margin.
- Set Labels Across and Labels Down.
- Set Label Height and Label Width. Note: Ensure the defined dimensions are large enough to print the required fields for readability.
- Set Vertical Label Separation and Horizontal Label Separation.
- Choose preferred Font.
- Set Vertical Text Alignment.
Define Custom Fields
- For Type of Field choose Resource.
- Load Example Resource Configuration.
- Click
to review and/or select fields for the label. Note: Blank will add a blank line across the label and Custom Text will allow you to record text that should print on all labels.
- Remove
unwanted fields.
- Reorder
layout of the fields as required.
- Set font Size for each data field. Note: If data for a field is too long it will be truncated.
- Set data Alignment for each data field.
Carriage Return for each field as required. Note: This will force the next line to sit below the current line.
when finished.
Note: Creating a suitable layout is an iterative process of editing label dimensions, layouts, fonts, font size, and other attributes and printing to determine suitability. Remember to check barcodes can be read by your barcode reader prior to printing a large volume of labels.