Acquisitions is the process of acquiring or purchasing new books and other non-book items for your library. School Procurement System acquisitions follow a workflow process managed jointly by the library team and a procurement team external to the library, e.g., school procurement office.
This type of order is used instead of a Library Managed order when an external procurement system is managing the order with the supplier and the library wants to track track expenditure within Infiniti as the orders progresses.
Overview of Order Workflow Status
- orders follow a workflow from the time they are created until the time they are completed or abandoned. Once completed, the information captured and recorded along the workflow for each order is stored for future reference; unless the order is deleted or the catalogue records are purged. Note: School Procurement Orders may not follow all workflow processes.
Common Library Managed workflow statuses explained:
- Open - newly created order is the step where items are collated for ordering; some information recorded in this step can be altered later, some cannot. Orders can be re-opened provided no items have been received from the supplier; a new order should be collated at that stage.
- Placed - an Open order has been placed either directly or indirectly.
- Receiving - a Placed order awaiting fulfilment or delivery.
- Received - a Receiving order has been received/delivered.
- Completed - a Received order has been finalised.
- Cancelled - a Placed order has been cancelled.
If you intend to align expenditure with budgets then prior to creating orders you should:
- Check your cost centres have been created.
- Check your budgets have been create and assigned for the current budget period.
- Ensure your suppliers are recorded.
Go to: Acquisitions
Active orders will display. You can filter active orders by:
- Supplier
- Coordinator
- Status
Click the Order Number to open an existing order.
Current Order Workflow Status
The order progress is displayed in the top right corner of each order and automatically updates as you make changes:
- $amount, e.g., $99.99 - the actual invoiced value of all line items on the order which have a Cost recorded. Note: If a cost on a line item is edited it must be saved before it will be included in the calculation.
- $amount*, e.g., $99.99* - the estimated value of all line items on the order which do have a Cost recorded. Note: If a cost on a line item is edited it must be saved before it will be included in the calculation.
- Order status - refer to workflow status above.
Create A New Procurement System Order
- click to create a new order:
- Order Number - record order number as supplied by your school procurement system. If you have more than one procurement system; you may wish to use a consistent prefix to distinguish clashing order numbers. (Infiniti uses “INF-” for order tracking). Note: To preserve integrity his number should be the genuine number from the School Procurement System.
- Order Type - record the Procurement System Order Number from the procurement system.
- Default Budget - choose a budget to allocate expenditure for this order. Note: Budget can be added later.
- Supplier - choose the supplier. Note: Supplier can be added later.
- Supplier Reference - record reference if supplied.
- Coordinator - choose the coordinator. Note: Coordinator can be added later.
- The new order will display in a separate tab
Review Active Procurement System Orders
The newly created order is now and active:
- displays all active orders in order number order, starting with the most recent order at the top. An active order is one which is currently in the Order Workflow as Open, Receiving, or Completed.
- Read Advice for
- Delivery Address - record the delivery address for this order if it is different from the delivery address on the email template. Note: This option will only be available if multiple campuses are defined and can only be accessed after pressing More...
- Click More...
- Coordinator - person responsible for order. Note: This is optional.
- Delivery Address - edit as required.
- Date Created - date this order was created.
- check if product codes are available and need to be recorded for line item.
For each active School Procurement order you can:
- Add new Line Items or edit or remove existing line items.
- Record or review Invoice details.
- Review Received items.
- Add Notes:
- Record general notes about an order.
- Block and order from completion.
Edit An Existing School Procurement System Order
Open School Procurement System orders can be edited prior to acknowledging and prior to entering
workflow status by adding Line Items or editing or removing existing line items.
Acknowledge Order Placed
After you have been advised the order has been sent by procurement, locate the order:
- when advised, confirm order has been placed. Note: This button will only be activated after the official Procurement System Order Number from the procurement system has been recorded. If no official order number is available, create a suitable pseudo number.
Edit An Existing Order
Open orders can be edited prior to entering theworkflow status by adding Line Items or editing or removing existing line items.
Cancel Orders
Orders can be cancelled at any time:
- click to cancel an order. Order will show as
- delete all record of the order. Note: This will delete all components of the order.
Complete Order
Once orders have been received and catalogued they must be completed.
- display all active orders in order number order.
- open complete received orders.
- revise and update cost details if required. Note: This updates copies already catalogued.
- complete order.
- received all items on the order.
- remove unreceived items as required.
- complete order. Note: Order will now leave the workflow and become an historical order and audit trail will me maintained.
- delete order. Read Advice for a
order. Note: Order will be deleted, all associated details will not be deleted and the historical order and audit trail will be lost.