An order is a list of items you would like to purchase from a preferred supplier. Each order is specific to one supplier only.

Line Items On An Order

Each item, listed on a separate line on an order, is called a line item. Each line item should clearly describe the item in enough detail for the supplier to correctly supply what is required, in the quantity required, and the expected cost. Each line item can describe either a book or a non-book (asset) item, e.g., The Wonders of the World, a camera, a game, or a laptop computer.

When adding a line item to an order, the Order Workflow will automatically search your current catalogue first, regardless of the sourceyou have selected to search, to determine if a bibliographic record or an asset record for the item is already in your catalogue:

  • If the bibliographic record for the item is already in your catalogue it will be retrieved and added to the order.
  • If the bibliographic record for the item is not in your catalogue it to search other recorded sources.

Preparing A Book Order

When ordering a book, either the ISBN or the Title will be used to check your local catalogue to see if the bibliographic record already exists in your catalogue, i.e., check to see if you are purchasing additional copies. If the bibliographic record is not in your catalogue, then the ISBN or Title can be used to check your preferred Z39.50 source for the bibliographic record. The workflow will use your bibliographic record you choose as the basis for adding a line item.

Note: The Order Workflow will always check your catalogue prior to checking a nominated Z39.50 source for the bibliographic record. 

After creating a New Order or opening an Active Order, you can add and remove line items:

  1. - sources to search for details of the title being ordered. Note: By default, My Library is the primary search source and if found remote sources will not be checked. Other sources available in the list must be recorded as possible cataloguing sources in Configure Z39.50 Sources.
  2. Scan one ISBN or type a word/s of the Title.
  3. - search and attach bibliographic details for the line item. Note: If the ISBN used is a duplicate, or the Title word/s are associated with multiple titles, you will be required to select record/s to attach and use, and each record attached will be listed as a line item on the order.
    • - the searched source does not have this record. You must choose another source to continue or pre-catalogue the book before ordering.
  4. - scan multiple ISBNs simultaneously and attach bibliographic details to the line item. Note: If you the ISBN scanned is a duplicate, or the Title word/s are associated with multiple titles, you will be required to select which record/s to attach and each record attached will be listed as a separate line item on the order.
    • partial records found - the searched source does not have all the records. You must choose another source to continue or pre-catalogue the unbook/s before ordering.
  5. Media Type - the media category as recorded in your catalogue.
  6. Product Code - record product code if required. Note: Product codes may apply to non-book items and this information will only be displayed ifis checked.
  7. Median Cost - the middle cost between lowest and highest cost of copies of this book, if any, found in your catalogue.
  8. Cost - record the expected cost of each copy of the book.
  9. Quantity - record quantity of copies required.
  10. - delete unwanted line item.
  11. - save individual line items or all line items in a multi-line order. Note: Additional line items can be added immediately or later.

After completing line items your Library Managed order may be ready to send.

Preparing A Non-book Order

When ordering a non-book item, the Title will be used to check your local catalogue to see if a bibliographic or descriptive record already exists in your catalogue for the precise item or a similarly named item, i.e., check to see if you are purchasing an additional identical non-book item. If a suitable bibliographic record is not in your catalogue, then you must catalogue it prior to adding it to an order.

After creating a New Order or opening an Active Order, you can add and remove line items:

  1. - sources to search for details of the title being ordered. Note: My Library is the only source that can be searched when ordering non-book items.
  2. Title - type the title used to describe the non-book item in your catalogue.
  3. - search and attach bibliographic details for the line item. Note: If the Title word/s are associated with multiple non-book items, you will be required to select the record to attach and use, and each record attached will be listed as a line item on the order.
    • - catalogue does not have this record. You must pre-catalogue the non-book item before ordering.
  4. Media Type - the media category as recorded in your catalogue.
  5. Product Code - record product code if required. Note: Product codes may apply to non-book items and this information will only be displayed ifis checked.
  6. Median Cost - the middle cost between lowest and highest cost of these items, if any, found in your catalogue.
  7. Cost - record the expected cost of each copy of the item.
  8. Quantity - record quantity of items required.
  9. - delete unwanted line item.
  10. - save individual line items or all line items in a multi-line order. Note: Additional line items can be added immediately or later.

After completing line items your Library Managed order may be ready to send.