An order is a list of one or more items you would like to purchase from a preferred supplier. Each order is specific to one supplier only.

Line Items On An Order

Each item, listed on a separate line on an order, is called a line item. Each line item should clearly describe the item in enough detail for the supplier to correctly supply what is required, in the quantity required, and the expected cost. Each line item can describe either a book or a non-book (asset) item, e.g., a camera, a game, or a laptop computer.

When adding a line item to an order, the Order Workflow will automatically search your current catalogue first, regardless of the sourceyou have selected to search, to determine if a bibliographic record or an asset record for the item is already in your catalogue:

  • If the bibliographic record for the item is already in your catalogue it will be retrieved and added to the order.
  • If the bibliographic record for the item is not in your catalogue you can use it to search other Z39.50 record sources.

Line Item Details

  1. Item - number of items added to the order, last to first.
  2. ISBN - for books only.
  3. Title - title of book or name of asset. Note: You can reorder multiple items by title.
  4. Author - for books only.
  5. Media Type - item descriptor.
  6. Median Cost - the middle cost across a range of past costs from lowest to highest for all copies of this title/item currently in the catalogue. Note: Median Cost is determined by examining the actual cost amounts of title/item currently in your collection. Items without a recorded cost are ignored.
  7. Cost - the expected, or quoted, or unit cost for this title/item.
  8. Quantity - the number of copies or items required. Note: Cost is multiplied by Quantity to calculate over all cost for each line item.
  9. Received - the number of copies or items received. Note: Received only displays after an order has been placed.

Preparing A Book Order

When ordering a book, either the ISBN or the Title will be used to check your local catalogue to see if the bibliographic record already exists in your catalogue, i.e., check to see if you are purchasing additional copies. If the bibliographic record is not in your catalogue, then the ISBN or Title can be used to check your preferred Z39.50 source for the bibliographic record. The workflow will use your bibliographic record you choose as the basis for adding a line item.

Note: The Order Workflow will always check your catalogue prior to checking a nominated Z39.50 source for the bibliographic record.

Order One Title

You can add titles one at a time. Note: A line item added or edited, but not yet saved, has a pale yellow background - save before leaving the page.

After creating a New Order or opening an Active Order, you can add and remove line items:

  1. - Z39.50 source to search for the bibliographic record of the ISBN or title being ordered. Note: By default, My Library is the primary search source and if found remote sources will not be checked. Other sources available in the list must be recorded as possible cataloguing sources in Configure Z39.50 Sources.
  2. Locate the bibliographic record:
    1. Scan the ISBN, or
    2. Type one or more words of the Title.
      Note: An ISBN search will be precise returning zero or one record, while a Title search may return multiple records.
    3. - from {My Library} will either retrieve the bibliographic record from your catalogue, or
      • - the searched Z39.50 source (local or external) does not have this record, or
      • no records found - the searched source does not have the bibliographic record.
        Note: For either case above you must choose another source to continue or manually pre-catalogue the book before adding a line item on the order
    4. - from {external source} will either retrieve the bibliographic record from that source, or
      • no records found - the searched source does not have the bibliographic record.
        Note: You must choose another source to continue or manually pre-catalogue the book before adding a line item on the order.
  3. If a suitable bibliographic record is found:
    1.  - select this record to attach as the line item.
    2. - select and import this record to attach as the line item.
    3. - return to the order.
  4. Item - line item number. Note: Line item numbers do not have to be sequential or ascending.
  5. ISBN - ISBN of book.
  6. Title - title of book.
  7. Author - author of book.
  8. Media Type - the media category as recorded in your catalogue.
  9. Product Code - record product code if required. Note: Product codes may apply to non-book items and this information will only be displayed ifis checked.
  10. Median Cost - the middle cost between lowest and highest cost of copies of this book, if any, found in your catalogue.
  11. Cost - record the expected cost of each copy of the book. Note: If editing a cost previously recorded, you mustthe new cost before leaving the page.
  12. Quantity - record quantity of copies required. Note: If editing a quantity previously recorded, you mustthe new quantity before leaving the page.
  13. Save line item/s:
    1. - save individual or all line items displayed on a pale yellow background. Note: Additional line items can be added immediately or later.
    2. - delete unwanted individual line item. Note: Deleting a line item for a new catalogue title will result in an orphan bibliographic record. Orphaned bibliographic records will not be found in normal OPAC search but can be found in Catalogue Reports - Backward Glance Report and other bibliographic catalogue reports.

Order Multiple Titles

You can add multiple titles one at a time. Note: Line items added or edited, but not yet saved, have a pale yellow background - save before leaving the page.

After creating a New Order or opening an Active Order, you can add and remove multiple line items:

  1. - Z39.50 source to search for the bibliographic record of the ISBN or title being ordered. Note: By default, My Library is the primary search source and if found remote sources will not be checked. Other sources available in the list must be recorded as possible cataloguing sources in Configure Z39.50 Sources.
  2. - to record multiple ISBNs and start the search process.
  3. Database - choose the Z39.50 source to search.
  4. Multiple ISBNs - scan multiple ISBNs.
  5. - to locate matching bibliographic records.
    1.  - select this record to attach as the line item.
    2. - select and import this record to attach as the line item.
    3. - return to the order.
      Not all records found - the searched source does not have all the records. You must choose another source to continue or manually pre-catalogue the books not found before adding as line items on the order.
  6. Item - line item number. Note: Line item numbers do not have to be sequential or ascending.
  7. ISBN - ISBN of book.
  8. Title - title of book.
  9. Author - author of book.
  10. Media Type - the media category as recorded in your catalogue.
  11. Product Code - record product code if required. Note: Product codes may apply to non-book items and this information will only be displayed ifis checked.
  12. Median Cost - the middle cost between lowest and highest cost of copies of this book, if any, found in your catalogue.
  13. Cost - record the expected cost of each copy of the book. Note: If editing a cost previously recorded, you mustthe new cost before leaving the page.
  14. Quantity - record quantity of copies required. Note: If editing a quantity previously recorded, you mustthe new quantity before leaving the page.
  15. Save line item/s:
    1. - save individual or all line items displayed on a pale yellow background. Note: Additional line items can be added immediately or later.
    2. - delete unwanted individual line item. Note: Deleting a line item for a new catalogue title will result in an orphan bibliographic record. Orphaned bibliographic records will not be found in normal OPAC search but can be found in Catalogue Reports - Backward Glance Report and other bibliographic catalogue reports. 

After completing line items your Library Managed order may be ready to send.

Preparing A Non-book or Equipment Order

You can add multiple items one at a time. Note: A line item added or edited, but not yet saved, has a pale yellow background, save before leaving the page.

When ordering a non-book or equipment item, the Title will be used to check your local catalogue to see if a suitable descriptive record exists in your catalogue for the item or a similarly named item, i.e., check to see if you are purchasing an additional identical non-book or equipment item. If a suitable descriptive record is not in your catalogue, then you must create it prior to creating an order.

After creating a New Order or opening an Active Order, you can add and remove line items:

  1. - sources to search for details of the title being ordered. Note: My Library is the only source that can be searched when ordering non-book items.
  2. Title - type the title used to describe the non-book item in your catalogue.
  3. - search and attach descriptive details for the line item. Note: If the Title word/s are associated with multiple non-book or equipment items, you will be required to select the correct descriptive record to attach and use as the description of the item you intend to order.
    • - your catalogue does not have this record as you have described it. You must create a suitable descriptive record in your catalogue before creating an order.
  4. Media Type - the media category as recorded in your catalogue.
  5. Product Code - record product code if required. Note: Product codes may apply to non-book items and this information will only be displayed ifis checked.
  6. Median Cost - the middle cost between lowest and highest cost of these items, if any, found in your catalogue.
  7. Cost - record the expected cost of each copy of the item.
  8. Quantity - record quantity of items required.
  9. Save line item/s:
    1. - save individual or all line items displayed on a pale yellow background. Note: Additional line items can be added immediately or later.
    2. - delete unwanted individual line item. Note: Deleting a line item for a new equipment item may result in an orphan bibliographic record for that item. Orphaned item bibliographic records will not be found in normal OPAC search but can be found in Catalogue Reports - Backward Glance Report and other bibliographic catalogue reports.

After completing line items your Library Managed order may be ready to send.

Receive All Ordered Items

After all items on an order are delivered they have to be moved into the receiving workflow phase:

  1. - to start the receiving workflow process.
  2. :
    1. - record invoice details if supplied and required. Note: Invoices must also be added to make sure that Budgets are debited. If absent the Budget will not be updated. Invoice details must be recorded prior to cataloguing each new delivery to ensure the invoice details will be available for each copy. See Steps 5 and 6 below.
    2. Invoice Number - record invoice number.
    3. Invoice Date - record date on invoice.
    4. Supplier - record supplier. Note: Supplier cannot be edited.
    5. Delivery Cost - record delivery cost if applicable. Note: Record Delivery Cost for reference only. This amount will not be debited from the budget nor added to the cost of the item/s. 
    6. Tax - record tax if applicable. Note: Record Tax for reference only. This amount will not be debited from the budget nor added to the cost of the item/s.
    7. Total Cost - record total cost of items, excluding Delivery Cost and Tax.
    8. Notes - record any notes as required.
    9. .
  3. Note Advice for aorder.
  4. Adjust individual line item cost details if required. When goods are received, their “cost” value will be assigned from the line cost value, although this can be revised for any item later. Note: 
    If costs change for individual line items, the new cost must be amended before receiving, to ensure the Budget will be updated.
  5. - update received item/s with this cost.
  6. Record unique identifying details for each item received:
    1. - if received item/s was pre-catalogued, i.e., item details were recorded against the bibliographic record and manually set to On Order status prior to ordering and receiving the item. Note: This button will be disabled if no items on the order were pre-catalogued.
    2. - if received item was not pre-catalogued, i.e., item details are to be recorded for each item after is received:
      1. Adjust record invoice details if required. Note: Invoice number must have been recorded at Step 2 above.
      2. Scan or generate barcode/s for each copy received.
  7. - click to indicate all items that will be received have been received. Note: If some items on the order have not been received and this button is not clicked, the order will remain instatus as an active order or back order awaiting fulfilment in the event further items are/will be received. If remaining items will never be received, click to allow Infiniti to indicate which were not received - if you want to follow up with a supplier later.
  8. - will display if the totalled price recorded for all items on the invoice does not match the invoice total. Note: This can occur when some items have not been delivered but they have been included in the total for the invoice.
  9. - click to receive additional items for a previously incomplete order when they arrive; after having previously clicked.

Receive Additional (Partial) Goods

After additional goods (back order) are delivered they have to be moved into the receiving workflow phase:

  1. - to start the receiving workflow process.
  2. :
    1. - record invoice details if supplied and required. Note: Invoices must also be added to make sure that Budgets are debited. If absent the Budget will not be updated. Invoice details must be recorded prior to cataloguing each new delivery to ensure the invoice details will be available for each copy.
    2. Invoice Number - record invoice number.
    3. Invoice Date - record date on invoice.
    4. Supplier - record supplier. Note: Supplier cannot be edited.
    5. Delivery Cost - record delivery cost if applicable. Note: Record Delivery Cost for reference only. This amount will not be debited from the budget nor added to the cost of the item/s.
    6. Tax - record tax if applicable. Note: Record Tax for reference only. This amount will not be debited from the budget nor added to the cost of the item/s.
    7. Total Cost - record total cost, excluding Delivery Cost and Tax.
    8. Notes - record any notes as required.
    9. .
  3. Note Advice for aorder.
  4. Adjust individual line item cost details if required. When goods are received, their “cost” value will be assigned from the line cost value, although this can be revised for any item later. Note: 
    If costs change for individual line items, the new cost must be amended before receiving, to ensure the Budget will be updated.
  5. - update received item/s with this cost.
  6. Record unique identifying details for each item received:
    1. - if received item was pre-catalogued, i.e., item details were recorded against the bibliographic record and manually set to On Order status prior to ordering and receiving the item. Note: This button will be disabled if no items on the order were pre-catalogued.
    2. - if received item was not pre-catalogued, i.e., item details are to be recorded for each item after  is received:
      1. Adjust record invoice details if required. Note: Invoice number must have been recorded at Step 2 above.
      2. Scan or generate barcode/s for each copy received.
  7. - click to indicate all items that will be received have been received. Note: If some items on the order have not been received and this button is not clicked, the order will remain instatus as an active order or back order awaiting fulfilment in the event further items are/will be received. If remaining items will never be received, click to allow Infiniti to indicate which were not received - if you want to follow up with a supplier later.
  8. - will display if the totalled price recorded for all items on the invoice does not match the invoice total. Note: This can occur when some items have not been delivered but they have been included in the total for the invoice.
  9. - click to receive additional items for a previously incomplete order when they arrive;; after having previously clicked.