Bulk cataloguing is a process that allows you to add multiple new MARC21 bibliographic records to your catalogue or update existing MARC21 bibliographic records simultaneously. This is helpful if you have acquired new titles (ISBNs) not already in your catalogue and you want to catalogue them with the MARC records available from a Z39.50 source, or if you want to improve or refresh the quality of a current set of bibliographic records in your catalogue with the latest MARC records available from your preferred source using Z39.50.

Note: Bulk cataloguing MARC21 records is only possible if you have ISBN numbers for each record to be catalogued and your preferred Z39.50 source has a matching MARC record.

Bulk Cataloguing Options

Check and retrieve records from:

  1. A single Z39.50 source.
  2. Multiple Z39.50 sources simultaneously.

Configuration Prerequisites

Prior to bulk cataloguing from a single Z39.50 remote source you must ensure you have at least one remote server configured as a source for your MARC records.

Prior to bulk cataloguing from multiple Z39.50 sources simultaneously, ensure each source is included in your multi-search list.

Bulk Cataloguing From A Single Source

Go to: Cataloguing

  1. - by default, My Library will be the first source to search. Choose an alternative source if required. Note: Choosing My Library ensures the cataloguing process will search your local catalogue before searching remote sources to avoid MARC record duplication.
  2. - search with Multiple ISBNs.
  3. Database - choose a single source from the list.
  4. Multiple ISBNs:
    1. scan multiple ISBNs, one per row, or
    2. cut and paste a list of ISBNs from a CSV file, or
    3. cut and paste a list of ISBNs separated by commas. 
  5. Direct Import:
    1. - up 50 ISBNs are permitted:
      1. - search and retrieve found records.
      2. - manually import each record individually as required.
    2. - up to 1,000 ISBNs are permitted:
      1. Skip Existing Records - leave the existing ISBN record in tact
      2. Overwrite Existing Records - replace existing records with found records.
      3. - search and import all records found.
      4. Import results will be displayed.
  6. After bulk importing MARC records, individual copies must be added before the records will be found at OPAC.

Bulk Cataloguing From Multiple Sources

Go to: Cataloguing

  1. - by default, My Library will be the first source to search. Choose an alternative source if required. Note: Choosing My Library ensures the cataloguing process will search your local catalogue before searching remote sources to avoid MARC record duplication.
  2. - search with Multiple ISBNs.
  3. Database - choose a Multi-Source option from the list.
  4. Multiple ISBNs - scan multiple ISBNs or cut and paste a list of ISBNs from a CSV file. Note: Only 50 ISBNs are permitted each for each batch. Up 50 records will be retrieved:
  5. - search and retrieve found records.
  6. - manually import each record individually as required.
  7. After bulk importing MARC records, individual copies must be added before the records will be found at OPAC.