Acquisitions is the process of acquiring or purchasing new books and other items for your library. Retrospective acquisitions follow a workflow process largely managed by the library after an item has been purchased independently and delivered to the library.
There is no concept of quantity separate from the amount of items received for a retrospective order (since you aren't collating or planning a future order), so unlike other orders you can receive as many items of a title as you choose to declare and that amount becomes the quantity for the retrospective order.
Unlike library-managed order which always have an auto "INF-..." order number (when no legacy ported) and school procurement orders that always require an external order number; retrospective allows for either and can legitimately show either format depending on what information is supplied. No legacy order ports to a retrospective order type, so that wrinkle doesn't apply.
Concepts like 'estimate' make no sense for retrospective orders, so cost counts apply on invoice and received values only.
If you intend to align expenditure with budgets then prior to creating orders you should:
- Check your cost centres have been created.
- Check your budgets have been create and assigned for the current budget period.
- Ensure your suppliers are recorded.
Go to: Acquisitions
Active orders will display. You can filter active orders by:
- Supplier
- Coordinator
- Status
Click the Order Number to open the order.
Order Workflow Status
- orders follow a workflow from the time they are created until the time they are completed or abandoned. Once completed, the information captured and recorded along the workflow for each order is stored for future reference; unless the order is deleted or the catalogue records are purged. Note: Retrospective orders do not follow all workflow processes.
Common Retrospective workflow statuses explained:
- Retrospective - an order that does not have an Open-Placed-Receiving workflow as the activity occurred outside Infiniti in the past. A retrospective order remains in this state until all information the librarian cares to supply has been entered; the order can then be completed to move the retrospective order out of the Active orders area.
Current Order Workflow Status
The order progress is displayed in the top right corner of each order and automatically updates as you make changes:
- $amount, e.g., $99.99 - the actual invoiced value of all line items on the order which have a Cost recorded.
- $amount*, e.g., $99.99* - the estimated value of all line items on the order which do not have a Cost recorded.
- Order status - refer to workflow status above.
Create A New Retrospective Order
- click to create a new order:
- Order Number - record order number if supplied.
- Order Type - Retrospective - A historical purchase that did not use a procurement system.
- Default Budget - choose a budget to allocate expenditure for this order. Note: Budget can be added later.
- Supplier - choose the supplier. Note: Supplier can be added later.
- Supplier Reference - record reference if supplied.
- Coordinator - choose the coordinator. Note: This option can only be accessed after pressing More...
- Date Placed - date order is created. Note: This option can only be accessed after pressing More...
Retrospective Orders
The newly created order is now and active:
- displays all active orders in order number order, starting with the most recent order at the top. An active order is one which is currently in the Order Workflow as Open, Receiving, or Completed.
- Read Advice for
- Choose source to search.
- sources to search for details of the title being ordered. Note: By default, My Library is the primary search source. Other sources available in the list must be recorded as possible cataloguing sources in Configure Z39.50 Sources.
- Scan ISBN or type a word/s of the Title.
- to initiate search and attach specific details to the line item. Note: If you ISBN used is a duplicate, or the Title word/s are associated with multiple titles, you will be required to select record/s to attach and each record attached will be listed as a line item on the order.
- the searched source does not have this record. You must choose another source to search.
- Cost - record actual cost of item.
- save cost.
- Quantity - defaults to 1 but can be increased.
- Supplier Reference - record supplier reference if provided, available and required.
- to save details of individual copies received.
For each active Retrospective order you can:
- Record or review Invoice details. Note: Supplier must first be created.
- Add Notes:
- Record general notes about an order.
Receive Orders
Once retrospective orders arrive they have to be moved into the receiving workflow phase:
- record invoice details if supplied and required. Note: Invoice details must be recorded prior to cataloguing each new delivery to ensure the invoice details will be available for each copy. See Step 5 below.
- Read Advice for
- Adjust individual line item cost details if required.
- recalculate costs as required.
- create copy records for each item received:
- Adjust record invoice details if required. Note: Invoice number must have been recorded at Step 1 above.
- Scan or generate barcode/s for each copy received as required.
Cancel Orders
Retrospective orders cannot be cancelled.
Complete Order
Retrospective orders that have been received and catalogued must be completed.
- display all active orders listed by order number.
- open retrospective order.
- click to mark order as completed. Note: Any line items NOT Received will be stripped from a Retrospective order when Completed,
- click to update records as required.
- delete order. Read Advice for a
order. Note: Order will be deleted, all associated details will not be deleted and the historical order and audit trail will be lost.