In general:

A.  The Infiniti search engine works much like Google in suggesting alternatives if it detects a possibility of alternative spelling.  This was added to assist students with spelling ambiguity issues.

1.  Search results do show the original search term results even if an alternative spelling is suggested - just click on the term you require. eg.  search for 'Scorpia':

2.   You can also enclose the term in double quotes for that specific term and it will produce those results first. eg. "scorpia"

B.  These examples are designed to maximise and refine search results in searching by  Keywords, Series, Authors, Titles or combinations.

1. Keyword search with refinement:

  • Open Search on a new tab by right clicking on the main left menu
    1. Select Keyword   and enter eg. 'aussie'  ;  this lists all resources containing the term 'aussie' in Title , Author, Series
    2. Refine your result by clicking on one of the facets at left of results eg. click on author David Metzenthen to display just his titles
    3. Change the sort order from Relevance to either Title or Author
    4. Click on a title or cover to display the Details page with all information and copy information
    5. Hover mouse over the availability to see locations and barcodes of copies. 

2.  Keyword search using combination of search terms (advanced search):
  • Use a keyword search to combine terms and perform an advanced search as in Google  eg.

  1. 'aussie moloney'  for all Aussie Chomps series by James Moloney
  2. 'lexus 300 Egypt' for all Lexus 300 tagged resources on Egypt
  3. 'frogs tyler' for all resources on Frogs by Michael Tyler
  4. type  'nibbles clark'  for all Aussie Nibbles series by author Clark
  5. Click on Margaret Clark to display all titles by Margaret Clark

    • sort results by Title
    • use the faceted results to refine by Media, Sections, Subjects 


Note:   These same steps can be used with ALL search types

             Sorting your results by Title or Author will often re-group the results in more meaningful ways than Relevance.

3.  Series search

    1. Choose Series from the dropdown search menu
    2. Enter 'pm starters' and search
    3. Results show ALL 'PM Starters' series and you could click on one Series eg. PM Starters One
    4. This displays all PM Starters One titles
    5. Change the sort order from Relevance to Title or Author to group by either

    4.  Author search

    For example, find all 'books' written by Margaret Clark using an author search of 'clark' and then refining results:

    1. Choose Author from dropdown search menu
    2. Choose Author from Sort order
    3. Enter 'clark' into search box, Search and 204 entries return
    4. Click on 'Margaret Clark' from faceted authors - returns 37 results
    5. Click on Media type 'Book' to display 36  books by Margaret Clark
    Note:  these results can be further refined by Section