My Lists provide library managers, LibPaths managers, teachers, and students with a simple but effective method to create and share lists of resources for interest reading, topic research, and private study. Lists can be privately owned or they can be shared under specific circumstances. Bibliographic lists suggest a line of study or research for the audience and should be limited to a maximum 500 items per list.
My Lists can be used for:
- digital distribution to audiences as an interactive list
- digital distribution as non-interactive PDF lists
- paper printout distribution
- recording resources used for assignment research and citation generation
- dynamic lists of resources for display on a LibPaths portal carousel
- static lists of resources for display on a LibPaths portals carousel
- populating a PicPAC
- creating citations for research projects
Note: Bibliographic lists are not intended to be a substitute for catalogue reports (sometimes described as bibliographic reports). If you require PDF or paper printout lists of sections of your library catalogue, consider preparing catalogue reports.
Who Can Create And Share Lists
Go to: Configure > Settings > Bibliographic Lists
- Any Staff Member
- allow teachers to create lists and optionally share the lists they create.
- Same Academic Level
- allow students to create lists and optionally share lists they create.
- List Utilisation
- show the uptake of loans against books on a list. Note: Aggregate data only allows you to review how well the list was in encouraging borrowing by members of its target audience.
- Share lists:
- share with individual users.
- share with academic levels.
- share with form classes.
- share with library groups.
Note: Lists can remain private and, if shared, are only shared as required at the owner's discretion.
List Types
There are four types of lists:
- Standard Bibliographic (Catalogue) List - prepared in advance this a list is of bibliographic titles in your catalogue. Note: These lists are suitable when you are want to prepare a list of book titles in your catalogue and when the list are unlikely to change over time, i.e., it will be quite static. Items can be manually added to or removed from static lists as required.
- Librarian Resources (Copies) List - prepared in advance this is a list individual copies of titles of books in your library collection. Note: These lists are ideal for print when you are want to prepare a list of These lists are suitable when the items on the list are unlikely to change over time. Items can be manually added to or removed from static lists as required.
- Catalogue Query - a query (search of your catalogue) is prepared in advance that will generate a list at some time in the future when it is triggered. Note: These lists are ideal when the items on the list may change over time, e.g., new titles added to or removed from the catalogue. Items are automatically added to or removed from dynamic lists at the time they are triggered.
- Citation List - an ad hoc list of catalogued books or digital resources (URLs) that may be used or were used for a research project.
List Preparation and Display
Lists can be:
- Static - a list is prepared in advance by adding bibliographic records or resources to the list. Note: These lists are suitable when the items on the list are unlikely to change over time. Items can be manually added to or removed from static lists as required.
- Dynamic - a query is prepared in advance that will generate a list in the future when it is triggered. Note: These lists are ideal when the items on the list may change over time, e.g., new titles added to or removed from the catalogue. Items are automatically added to or removed from dynamic lists at the time they are triggered.
List Creation
Static lists can be created:
- from the cataloguer's search results display page.
- from the standard OPAC display page in
list display mode. Note: The option to select individual items for an interim list (see below) is only available in this display mode.
- on Reports > Catalogue > Resources.
- by adding specific books or items to a current list:
- open My Lists.
- My Lists > {list name} or Lists Shared With Me > {list name}.
- scan barcodes or ISBN numbers.
Note: Static lists must be manually edited if items are to be added or removed from the list.
Dynamic lists are created:
- by crafting a suitable catalogue query search. Note: As the collection of resources in your library changes (items added and removed) your lists will dynamically reflect these changes based on your query search. You should check new dynamic lists and periodically check existing dynamic lists to ensure they return the expected results to the target audience.
Create An Interim Ad-hoc List
An interim list is a work-in-progress list and is ideal for creating an ad-hoc or random list of resources on the fly usually from the OPAC results display. An interim list can be assembled from the results of one or more searches carried out over a period of time, and even in different sessions. Each patron with list creation privileges can create and maintain only one interim list at any time.
As items are selected and added to the interim list the My Listsicon in the page header keeps a running total the the number of items on the list. Infiniti will continually remind the list owner of the list's existence and the number of items on it.
Infiniti will also remind each patron from session-to-session, and OPAC-search-to-OPAC-search, of any items already added to their interim list by displaying the selected iconbeside each item already on the interim list.
Note: The current interim list must be either discarded or permanently saved before a new interim list can be created. Selected items on an interim list can either be discarded or placed onto a permanent list before the interim list is discarded.
- From OPAC, search your catalogue for items that match your requirements.
- On the search results displayed locate the items to place on a list. Note: Items can be any media type including digital media.
- tag all items found to the current interim list.
- process the current interim list.
- remove an item from the current interim list.
- The list is maintained indefinitely until discarded or processed. Refer to Interim List Management below.
My Lists Space
Every librarian, and each person granted the privilege, can create, manipulate, and manage lists in their My Lists space :
- displays all lists you have created:
- List - alphabetic list of lists
- Sharing - share status
- Created - date list was created
- Item Count - number of items on the list
- Tools - for each list, depending on your privileges, you can perform the following tasks; Review list, Reading List display, Edit, Copy, and Delete.
-review and manage the contents of this list.
- display the contents of this list and print as required. Choose where to print
. Note: This mode allows you to share a list of items as a PDF or printed paper list. Ideal for distributing to teachers and students in the library.
- show how list will be displayed.
- open the list and edit sharing and editing privileges. Note: This option is ideal for redefining editor and viewing privileges.
- review how well a list has been used based on borrowings across the audience it has been shared with:
- List name - default is the list selected.
- From Date - by default this is the date the list was created but you can adjust it to suit your requirements.
- To Date - by default this is today's the date but you can adjust it to suit your requirements.
- duplicate this list and it's editing and viewing privileges. Note: This option is ideal for taking an exiting list, replicating it, then altering its content for another audience.
- create a link to this list for embedding in another app.
- down load this list in RIS, CSV, or MARC21 format.
- discard list.
- click to create citations for the books in this list.
- choose style
- copy all citations or a individual citations and paste into a document
- add page references to the citation if required
Note: Resource lists cannot be used for creating citations.
- displays lists created by others that have been shared with you.
- the items on your interim list which you have yet to process. Note: The current interim list will open by default every time you open your My Lists space. You can have only one list of interim items.
- the target audiences for which each list was created.
- transfer all my lists to another patron. Note: Only the owner of a set of lists can transfer the list.
Tip: The library manager can login as any patron and transfer that person's lists to another patron. This approach may be necessary if a teacher is no longer at your school and you wish to transfer their lists to another teacher or to the library manager.
Manage Interim Lists
- show a tally of items on the current interim list.
- display the items on the list.
- delete the list.
- save the items on the list. Note: You must save an interim list before you can manipulate the items on it.
- Choose a list from the available lists or create a new list and click
. Tip: Best practice is to develop a naming convention to apply when creating list names. Good naming conventions reflect the each list's audience and topic, e.g., Year 10, History Assignment - Ancient Greece. Lists created with a descriptive name will be easy to find in an alphabetic ordering.
- The new list will be placed on your
My Lists Management
Lists can be held privately or they can be shared according to the owner's sharing rules. Once shared, the recipient can, if privileged, use items on the list to create a private list or on-share items on the list with other recipients.
Note: A list can be shared at any time in its life cycle based on the creator's/recipient's list privileges. Once a list is shared, and therefore the items on a list are shared, it is impossible to reclaim those items or revoke sharing, especially if the recipient has shared the items on the list with others.
Create A Specific List From Search Results Display
- From OPAC, search your catalogue for items that match your requirements.
- add all items displayed to an interim list.
- process the current interim list:
- List - -- Decide Later -- - name the list later and the list will remain as an interim list.
- Name - -- New List -- - name the list now and the interim list will be .
Create A List For A Specific Purpose
- Click
- List name - provide a suitable name for your list. Note: Good naming conventions reflect each list's audience and topic, e.g., Year 10, History Assignment - Ancient Greece. Lists created with a descriptive name will be easy to find in an alphabetic ordering.
- List Type:
- Standard Bibliographic (Catalogue) List - list of titles regardless of the number of copies. Note: Created by finding a list of resources and adding them to a new or existing list.
- Librarian Resources (Copies) List - list of copies of each title on the list. Note: Created by scanning barcodes.
- Catalogue Query - dynamic list of resources that match a defined set of criteria based on a locally crafted catalogue query search. Note: These lists will only display in a LibPaths carousel.
- Default Sort Order:
- Alphabetical - items will be listed alphabetically. Note: This is the default order.
- Custom - items will be listed in the order determined by the list creator and viewers will be able to switch between the two sort orders.
Sharing Lists
By default, lists are not shared, but lists can be shared for different purposes as required.
Sharing A List With Other Editors
- Share this List -
to share.
- Editing -
to allow the recipient to edit this list:
- to select an editor audience for this list.
- Select an audience from the dropdown list, or create a -- New -- list. Note: Selecting an audience from the dropdown list will apply the selected list's audience and list privileges to this new list.
- Any Staff Member to allow any staff member to edit this list. Note: To restrict editing of a list to nominated staff members only, select those staff members from the Users or Library Groups tab.
- If creating a new audience, create your editors list from any of Users, Academic Levels, Form Classes and/or, Library Groups.
Sharing A List With Other Viewers
- Share this List -
to share.
- Viewing -
to allow the recipient to view this list:
- select a viewing audience for this list.
- Select an audience from the dropdown list, or create a -- New -- list. Note: Selecting an audience from the dropdown list will apply the selected list's audience and list privileges to this new list.
- Any Staff Member to allow any staff member to view this list. Note: To restrict viewing of a list to nominated staff members only, select those staff members from the Users or Library Groups tab.
- If creating a new audience, create your viewers list from any of Users, Academic Levels, Form Classes and/or, Library Groups.
Sharing A List With PicPAC Kiosks And Portal Carousels
- Share this List -
to share.
- Catalogue or Portal Configuration Dialogs -
to allow viewing of this list in PicPAC.
Order Items On A List
Default list sort order is alphabetical based on the title which can be changed during list creation/edit. The viewer of the list can change the sort order any time using a switch provided at the top of the list, this sort order selection will remain valid for the entire session of the user and will be reflected across different views of the list, i.e., reading view, grid view etc.
- Click {list name}.
- alphabetically sort, or custom sort using
and the final sort order will be saved.
Sharing Lists In Portal Carousels
Lists can be shared on portals via portlet widgets and in learning management systems.
Viewing The Contents Of A List
Options available when viewing a list:
- switch between alphabetically sort, or custom sort.
- review in reading list mode. Choose where to print
. Note: This mode allows you to share a list of items on a printed paper list. This is suitable for distributing to teachers and students in the library.
- review in research mode. Note: This mode allows you to share a list of items as a digital list. This is ideal for distributing to teachers and students via a learning management system.
- display the list in grid view.
Actions Available When Viewing Items On A List
- open this digital Item. Note: This option is only displayed if the list item is a digital resource.
- move this item to another list. Choose a target list or Decide Later and move item to an interim list. Note: Moving an item removes it from the current list and places it on the selected list.
- copy this item to another list. Choose a target list or Decide Later and move item to an interim list. Note: Copying an item leaves it on the current list and places it on the selected list.
- item from list. Note: Deleted items are discarded from the currently list list only.
Edit List Audience
- Go to My Profile > My lists.
- Click on My Audiences tab.
- Click on edit pen for the required list.
- Choose relevant Groups, users and/or Any staff member as audience.
Note: Use the button to pre-save an Audience that can be used for various lists.
Add To An Existing List
Add items to a list in several ways:
- searching from the catalogue search results display page - use individual Bookmark icon/s to add to an Interim list as mentioned above in Interim List Management
- searching from the OPAC display page - use individual Bookmark icon/s to add to an Interim list
- go to My Lists > {list name} scan or type barcodes or ISBNs
to add to that list.
- from the OPAC results screen click
for each item to add to a list:
- these counts will reflect on the counter on your My Lists Bookmark icon on the black header bar
- click on the count on the bookmark icon to go to the My lists screen
- click on the eye icon to see the temporary list of titles you have bookmarked
- click on the green Save button to add this temp list of titles to an existing list, or ...
- click on the Trash can to clear the Temp. list eg. add one bookmarked title to existing list 'Aboriginal Stories'.
- from the My Lists screen
- click on My profile > My Lists or the My Lists bookmark icon on black header bar
- click on a list name
- scan or type barcodes or ISBNs
to add to that list. eg.

Keywords -