The search option focuses on locating resources in your school library while the discovery option delivers the added dimension of locating resources and information in your external subscription databases. When users undertake a search, Infiniti will automatically search across both your local library and external subscription databases that you have registered and enabled. Infiniti provides a number of different presentation layouts for search results and as library manager you can set the default display to suit your audience. Users can modify swap between presentation layouts to suit their preference at search time.

Search and Discovery

Users can search for resources by:

  1. Clicking on a term floating in the search tag cloud of popular searches (if you have the tag cloud enabled) or by typing a search term.
  2. Clicking on an item in the New Arrivals carousel.
  3. Clicking on an item in the Top Reads carousel.
  4. Selecting a search type from the options listed in the drop down list.
  5. Typing one or more words as a Search Term and clicking.

Note: Users can type any combination of partial words and/or complete words, or names, as their search term. If multiple words are used an implied "AND" will be used to join them and resources located will contain all the search words used. The greater the number of words in the search term the smaller the number of resource located.


Note: Only successful searches, i.e., searches that locate one or more resources, will be recorded in the search tag cloud.

Search Results

Search results will be presented in the default presentation display. Users can: 
  • sort results by Relevance (default), Author or Title
  • change the displayed presentation:
    •  - list display, 1 item per row
    •  - grid display 4 items per row

    •  - grid display 6 items per row

  • refine their search by selecting:
    • Media
    • Subjects
    • Authors
    • Sections
  • obtain further detail about an item located by clicking on it
  • find the item shelf location by hovering over it

Discovery Results

The discovery results retrieved will be displayed on additional tabs to the right oftab. Discovery results are only displayed for enabled discovery sites and each tab displays the number of resources located at that site.