When a borrowed item has not been returned via Infiniti by midnight on the due date, it will be deemed 'Overdue' the next morning.

Overdues may be reported on :

  • with no dates chosen - reports ALL overdues regardless of issue or due date
  • with Due dates chosen - reports on all overdues which are due in this date range
  • with Loaned dates chosen - reports on all overdues which were loaned in this date range
  • by View all form classes - reports by Form classes that exist at this point in time
  • by Academic level/s, Library Group/s, or individual patron
  • by showing all items that are a specified number of days overdue

Go to:  Reports > Circulation > Overdues:


  1. There is no need to choose any dates if all overdues are to be shown
  2. Optionally enter a From date if wishing to capture just those overdues between the From and To dates - no From date will show ALL overdues up to (but not including) the To date. 
  3. Enter the To date as the day after today if wishing to capture loans due or issued today (eg. 26th March 2024 to show loans due 25th March) 
  4. Optionally click on 'Show Filters' and choose and combine options for Year levels, form classes, Sites, Sections, Media. etc.) 
  5. Click on Search button, or 
  6. click View all form classes button if form classes are required
  7. output to print, PDF, files
  8. Save as a favourite search using the Star button
  9. Optionally email  individual overdues to patrons on the report screen