You can prepare two basic reports for managing reservations.
You have two reports to help you manage reservations reports:
allows you to show the current state of all reservations:
- Campus - choose a campus from the list to report on. Note: Default campus is Any campus.
- Site - choose a site from the list to report on. Note: Default site is Any site.
- Status - choose a status from the list to report on. Note: Default status is Any status.
- One the report is displayed:
- switch between grouping reservations by patron and grouping by title.
- edit some aspects of the reservation including adding or removing specific copies on multiple alternatives.
- create a new reservation for another patron.
- cancel all reserved copies for this reservation.
shows items that have been reserved while on the shelf. Note: Library staff should remove items on the pull list from the library shelf for reservation processing.
By default, reservations are placed on the bibliographic record and automatically seek out the first available copy for that record. Infiniti can be configured to automatically detect books that are similar and place reservations on all copies until the request is fulfilled.
Processing Reservations
Best practice is to scan all books not on shelves through returns to ensure they are processed correctly. Note: If books found on library furniture are not scanned through returns those with reservations will not be processed correctly.
Go to: Circulation
in the page header.
- Scan the barcode of the books:
- Returned from loan.
- Retrieved from the shelf when running a pull list (see below).
- Not returned to shelves after in-library use.
- Arriving in transit from another campus.
- Some instructions and statuses below are applicable only if you configure to run reservations between campuses.
- Items reserved at one campus and selected for pickup at another campus via the In Transit status must be scanned through returns of both the source and destination libraries to trigger the relevant actions.
Go to: Reports > Circulation > Reservations
An item that has been reserved will automatically flow through different statuses. Some statues are declared, i.e., they are defined in Config > Library > Statuses, others are derived:
- a patron has placed a reservation on this title. Note: This is a derived status to show the reservations operator who has reserved the item. Note: The titles showing Reserved on this report will show a status of On Loan on OPAC (reserved is a special case of on loan).
- a patron has placed a reservation on matching titles. Note: This is a derived status to show the reservations operator who has reserved the item. Note: The titles showing Reserved on this report will show a status of On Loan on OPAC (reserved is a special case of on loan).
- the reservation has been available for collection since the date displayed on the button from the Pickup library. Note: This status is applied when the item is scanned during returns processing. Emails generated by items moving to this status will be sent overnight.
- an reserved item is in transit between libraries:
- where the patron intends to collect it, or
- it is returning to its home campus library.
Note: This status applies to cross-campus reservations or returns, and is applied when the item is scanned at its current campus during returns processing. Items should be placed in the transit box used to move them to the target library immediately they are scanned during returns processing.
- an item was held and awaiting collection but the reservation expired before the patron came to collect it. This item must be scanned through returns and redirected as advised. Note: This button is applied when the reservation hold wait time has lapsed and items on the report with this status can be deleted manually.
- an item was held awaiting collection but the patron or the library manager cancelled the reservation after it went on to the hold shelf. This item must be scanned through returns and redirected as advised. Note: This button is applied when the reservation is deliberately cancelled and items on the report with this status can be deleted manually.
- Expired In Transit (derived) - an item was in transit for collection at another library but the reservation expired while in transit. When this item is scanned through Returns to process a message will advise the circulation officer how to treat it. Note: This status is derived and applied when the reservation wait time has lapsed and the status will remain until the item is scanned through Returns at the library currently in possession of it.
- Cancelled In Transit (derived) - an item was in transit for collection at another library but the patron or the library manager cancelled the reservation after it was marked as in transit. When this item is scanned through Returns a message will advise the circulation officer how to treat it. Note: This status is derived and applied when the reservation is deliberately cancelled by the patron or by the circulation manager and the status will remain until the item is scanned through Returns at the library currently in possession of it.
Below is a sample reservations list display
Books on the pull list were reserved while they were on the shelf in their campus library. Any patron who did not place the reservation may remove the book from the shelf and use it in the library but will not be able to borrow it without confirmation from the circulation officer at the circulation desk. The patron who did place the reservation will be able to borrow it when it is presented it at the circulation desk. Note: Pull lists should be run early each day.
Run a Pull List:
- Choose a Campus, Site, and/or Status for the pull list.
- Collect the books from the shelves and process them through returns.
for a guide of which patron should receive this book if no overrides are implemented. Note: This can change dynamically.