There may be occasions when it is desirable to ensure that all loans issued have the same due date regardless of the patrons' circulation rights. For example, part way through a term you may wish to ensure that all resources borrowed by all patrons will have a due due date of the second last day of term regardless of the circulation rights of the patrons borrowing those resources, or you may wish to issue loans to an entire class with a common due date for all loans regardless of the normal circulation rules for those items.

Set a Common Due Date for Loans
  1. Choose a Common Due Date from the Circulation screen to override all calculated due dates for all loans issued.
  2. Click in the date field to open the calendar.
  3. Select a date that will be used as the common due date.
  4. Issue new loans OR  use the Renew or Renew ALLbuttons to renew individual or ALL loans for this user
  5. Remember to untick the checkbox when you wish due dates to revert to the dates controlled by the normal Circulation Rights

Note: A common due date can be configured to override the Holiday Calendar rules, due dates calculated using circulation rights, and patron leaving date restrictions.

Note: Once you set a common due date it will remain set on until you uncheck this option or logout of your current session.