Patrons are able to borrow resources from your library based on their Access rights and the Holiday Calendar loan rules. Loans may also be issued to a Common due date for an entire set of resources, renewed individually, or all loans renewed at once. All loans are recorded in the patron loan history.
Record a Loan
Go to: Circulation
- Open a patron's loan record:
- Scan the barcode of a patron, or
- Search for a patron and select from the drop down list. Note: A blocked patron must be unblocked before a loan can be issued, or
- display portraits or photos of all members of the current student's form class, and highlight those with overdue loans. Note: A student's profile must be displayed currently for this button to appear. If not displayed, click on the Browe Student link to the right of the portrait placeholder to view Form Classes to select from.
- Scan the barcode of the item being borrowed. Note: If alert messages and sounds display, proceed or abort as appropriate. Loans are automatically saved. Configure Audio Events to set a beep for processing loans as appropriate.
- Loans display in reverse chronological order by loan date on the Current Loans tab.
- Repeat step 2 for each item the patron wants to borrow.
- Repeat Steps 1 to move to the next patron.
Loans Receipt
- displays after issuing at least one loan to a patron. Click to open:
- click to email to this patron's registered email address, or
- click to print to an attached receipt printer.
Review Patron's Loan Profile
- Review patron's loan profile:
- Loan History - displays patron's entire preserved loan history.
- Reservations - displays patron's current reservations.
- Notes - displays notes recorded for patron:
to record a note.
Highlight on issue to alert operator during circulation.
a patron from borrowing, check
and record Reason For Blocking. Note: Blocks are not enforced via RfID stations.
a blocked patron to reinstate borrowing rights, uncheck
and optionally remove Reason For Blocking.
- Fines - to review or collect fine payments.
Manage Patron's Loan File
- Current Loans tab:
renew all loans or renew a specific loan.
view printable reports.
mark loan as lost.
recall this loan.
- Loan History tab:
print to PDF, Word or Excel.
- Reservations tab:
print to PDF, Word or Excel.
- Notes tab displays notes recorded for patron:
to record a note.
Highlight on issue to alert operator during circulation.
a patron from borrowing, check
and record Reason For Blocking. Note: Blocks are not enforced via RfID stations.
a blocked patron to reinstate borrowing rights, uncheck
and optionally remove Reason For Blocking.
- Fines tab to review or collect fine payments:
view report or pay fines.
Managing Due Dates
Due dates for the return of loaned items are generated automatically and are calculated using the patron's circulation rights. It is also possible to manually set due dates for return:
- Edit the Due date by choose a date from the calendar.
to choose a Common Due Date from the calendar.
Note: Regardless of the method used to calculate the due date, the settings in the holiday calendar will always override the setting.
Return Loans
To return loans:
- return one or more loans in a batch, or
in the header of any page.
- The Returns log will display relevant notes on return messages that may need acknowledgement, or advisory messages which do not need any action taken on screen. Note: Configure Audio Events to set a beep for returns processing.
- The Returns log screen may be locked using the padlock button
. This will retain the log contents on the screen until unlocked and the screen closed.