It is possible to bulk update or globally modify or renew the due dates of a set of items currently on loan. This is particularly useful for extending or reducing the number of days a set of items currently on loan can remain on loan by altering the due date of those items, or to correct the current due dates of a set of loans inadvertently issued with an incorrect due date.
Prepare A Candidate List Of Loans For Bulk Processing
Go to: Circulation > Bulk Process > Renewals
Date Range - filter by date type and date range.
Loan Renewal Count - filter by the number of times the item has been renewed to the current borrower.
Title - filter by one or more titles.
Resource from - filter by Site, Section, Dept Budget, and Media Type.
Borrower(s) in - filter by borrowers in Academic Levels, Form Classes, or Library Groups.
Refine search results as required.
Save the search if you wish to run it again.
Reissue Loans
- Choose how the new due date should be set:
- Standard Renewal to renew all loans on the current candidate list using each borrower's circulation rights.
- Common Due Date to renew all loans on the current candidate list to the date you select from the calendar.
- Check
Increment Renewal Count to keep track of the number of times the items on the current candidate list have been renewed by the respective borrower.
when your candidate list is ready.
- Type YES to acknowledge you understand the implications of doing this global update.
to process.
Note: The candidate list will be cleared after the process completes. Rerun the search to check results.