You can configure selected students and teachers with limited self service privileges for recording loans. Self service or self circulation, allows patrons to record their own loans or to record loans on behalf of other patrons in a restricted environment, while simultaneously protecting the privacy of other patrons.

Note: Granting self service privileges requires an element of trust between library staff, and students and teachers who are granted self service privileges. Schools that are not comfortable that a confident level of trust exists should consider using Vendor supplied self checkout kiosks

Self Service Options

To try to cater for different requirements from school-to-school, four (4) self service options are provided. Loans can be registered or recorded on any device:

Suggested Audience
Self Serve Self
Students, Teachers
  • issue loans to self after logging on (usually) to a personal device
  • cannot search for other patrons
  • cannot override any alerts or circulation blocks
Self Serve Anyone
Students, Teachers, Circulation Assistants
  • can search for patrons by name
  • can issue loans to self and others
  • cannot override any alerts or circulation blocks
  • loan recorded through aa open circulation desk
Library Circulation Only
  • can search for patrons by name
  • can issue loans to self and others
  • can see loan profile of patron
  • cannot override alerts or circulation blocks
  • loan recorded through an open circulation desk
Library Circulation Only + Can Override Circulation Blocks
  • can search for patrons by name
  • can issue loans to self and others
  • can see loan profile of patron
  • can do loan returns

Assigning Options To A Patron

Go to: Settings> Users > {locate a user}

  1. Locate a user.
  2. Assign System Groups required by the patron. Note: Use the table above to determine which option/s to assign.

Note: If multiple staff members issue loans from a central circulation station, you may want to set up a generic circulation user, e.g., Library Circulation Station.

Note: Do not change or add any System Groups, System Roles or System Privileges as these are pre-set.

Assigning Options To A Group

You can create separate library groups for each circulation option.

Go to: Settings> Users >

  1. Locate the System Groups self-service option you want to assign to a group of patrons. Note: Options are - Self Service Self, Self Service Anyone, Library Circulation only user, or Can Override Circulation Blocks.
  2. Assignsuitable members to the selected option.
  3. Search for the user/s to assign to this option.
  4. Click on username/s in the Available list to add to them to the Selected list.
  5. to add the members to the group.
  6. .

Note: Patrons given a circulation privilege must also be 'Library Users'.