Hints and Tips

Consider the audience of the Digital content you wish to add:

  • Do you wish create separate viewing levels for your digital content? 

 This will allow the appropriate audience to view the corresponding Digital resources for example - General ( All users) , Senior ( Senior Students) and Teaching Resources.

Set-up of digital sites:

Create separate digital sites if not already present:

    • Configure > Library > Sites > Add new site eg. Digital General, Digital Senior, Digital Teaching Resources.
  1. Give OPAC viewing rights to the digital sites by Academic years level and/or Library groups:
    • Configure > Library > Sites > choose Site eg: Digital General 
    • Show details (click on the v arrow)
    • Tick on the Academic levels and/or the Library groups to enable these groups to view Digital - General content in search results.
    • Repeat steps for all Digital sites added.

To check that the 'Digital' Section is active (ticked on) for this OPAC viewing group.

  1. Configure >  Access control > Circulation rights
  • Check the digital viewing rights for eg: Junior students (click on the v arrow and check that Section  'Digital' is ON.
  •  Review the Circulation rights for Senior students and Staff.  Make sure that the Digital section is active (ticked on) for at least one     Circulation Right for each Academic and/or Library Group.
  • Note that the Digital section must be ON for a group/s (audience) to allow viewing of the digital content by this group or groups.