To streamline accessioning of individual copies of a book, Media Type, Site, Section, Budget Dept, and Status fields can be pre-populated. Values set here as default are automatically set into respective fields when accessioning new copies of a book.

Go to: Configure > Settings > Catalogue

  1. Choose default Budget Dept from the dropdown list.
  2. Choose default Media Type from the dropdown list.
  3. Choose default Site from the dropdown list.
  4. Choose default Section from the dropdown list.
  5. Choose default Status from the dropdown list.
  6. Click .
Note: These settings will be used to pre-populate all newly accessioned books until they are modified.

Tip: Accession books in like groups and set these defaults to match the common attributes of the batch, e.g., prior to accessioning a batch of non-fiction books set the default Section to the non-fiction attribute.