Many libraries around the world make their Z3950 service freely available for libraries to use as a source for catalogue records or OPAC searching.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of libraries that permit schools to freely retrieve bibliographic records from their catalogues using Z39.50. Commercial subscription services are also available for a subscription service, e.g., SCIS, Libraries Australia, LoC, WorldCat.

Go to: Configure > Integration > Z3950 > Add ZServer 

Australian National University:
  • Server:
  • Port: 210
  • Database name: INNOPAC
National Library Australia: (this is not Trove which uses Libraries Australia subscribed content)
  • Server:
  • Port: 7090
  • Database name: Voyager

State Library Victoria:
  • Server:
  • Port: 7090
  • Database name: Voyager

State Library NSW:

  • Server:
  • Port: 1921
  • Database name: 61SLNSW_INST

Library of Congress:

  • Server:
  • Port: 210
  • Database name: LCDB

State Library WA: 

  •  Server:
  •  Port: 210
  •  Database name: Innopac:Entire sta

British Library: Note: Their Z39.50 MARC21 service is made available on an authenticated, i.e., password protected basis, to libraries wishing to use British Library MARC21 records for non-commercial purposes. You must first register to obtain a Username and Password for your school at -

Server details to use after receiving your username and password from the British Library:

  • Server:
  • Port: 9909
  • Database name: BNB03U
  • Username: as assigned by BL
  • Password: as assigned by BL

To contact the British Library Z3950 access service:

Please go to to sign up for this service.