Do some users receive no Opac search results and also have alert pop-up messages on the Circulation/Issues screen.  The cause of both issues stems from the same lack of access as described below:

Circulation screen messages:

1 .User does not have access to this resource: Site: TBH, Section: Textbooks

2. Loan Limit Reached: This user has reached their loan limit so cannot borrow more resources

The pop-up messages indicate either:

A.  The user is not in a Library group (e.g., Staff) or Year level (student) so has no access to any loans, and/or ...

B.  The Library Group/Year level group which contains the user has no Circulation Right for those Sites/sections

C.  Message 2 only - the User may have actually reached their loan limit according to their group maximum loans for that Section - in this case you may need to increase the maximum loans for that Circulation right

Note:  Staff members do not automatically add to a Library Group when the 'Staff member' tickbox is activated in their User record. If imported or added manually to Infiniti, they do need to be added to an appropriate Library Group for access as per Step 1a. below.

Step 1:  Check for membership of a Group

1.  In the Circulation screen, search for User and check they are in either a Library Group  (eg Staff - right hand of screen)  OR  an Academic level if student (left hand side - Year YY, form class.)

If the user is already in either a Library group or Academic Level, or both, go to Step 2.

a. If non-student (eg. Staff) is not in a Library group on the Circulation screen:

  1. Click on the Edit user button (above Refresh page button)
  2. Click into Library Group field and choose relevant Library Group eg. Staff
  3. Click on Update user
  4. They will now inherit the same Circ Rights as the rest of that Library Group
  5. Return to the Circulation/Issues screen
  6. Search for the user
  7. Use the Renew ALL button or individual Renew buttons to renew their loans to the correct due date if needed.

b. If Student is not in a Year level on the Circulation screen:

  1. Click on the Edit user button (above Refresh page button)
  2. Click into Cohort field and choose correct Graduating Cohort
  3. Click into Form class field and choose Form class in needed
  4. Click on Update user
  5. They will now inherit the same Circ Rights as the rest of that year level
  6. Return to the Circulation/Issues screen
  7. Search for the user
  8. Use the Renew ALL button or individual Renew buttons to renew their loans to the correct due date if needed.

Step 2.


Check for a Circulation Right for this Group and required Section/s:


Click on the padlock icon to the right of the User name on the circulation screen; this displays a detailed list of Circulation Rights and Sections to which the borrower has access.  When the missing section/s are determined, proceed with B.


  1. Configure
  2. Access control
  3. Circulation Rights
  4. Drop down Circ Rights to view Groups and sections that are turned on 
  5. Click on missing groups and/or sections for the appropriate Circ rule. OR ....
  6. Create a new circulation Right for the groups and sections required
  7. See the solution here