The SIP2 protocol is used to facilitate RfID and self checkout functionality between Infiniti and your self checkout station. Infiniti uses a SIP2 client which is configured to the specific settings below.

Note: The SIP2 client should be configured by your IT support.

The SIP2 client setup details for are:

  1. Host Servername DNS: Direct ([tenant] 
  2. IP address:
  3. Port: 1210
  4. Logon and password as supplied.
  5. Inbound requests to the host server (such as those from an RFID station on SIP2) cannot refer to an IP address. They must use the DNS as stated above.

The SIP2 client setup details are:

  1. Host Servername DNS:  Direct ([tenant]
  2. IP address:
  3. Port: 1210
  4. Logon and password as supplied.
  5. Inbound requests to the host server (such as those from an RFID station on SIP2) cannot refer to an IP address. They must use the DNS as stated above.

When setting up a kiosk to check-in items for return to more than one Site, several setup steps are required:
  1. Specify the main return Site in Configure > Circulation > SIP2 Returns, e.g., MainLibrary
  2. Find the SIP2 ID for that Site  in Configure > Library > Sites > edit {site}, e.g., Site = MainLibrary : SIP2 ID = 99999
  3. Add Site ID 99999 into the Location Code (AP) field in the SIP2 protocol.
The AP field must contain the Site ID not the Site name.  

Unique SIP2 ID

Each library/site has a unique SIP2 ID allocated by Infiniti at the time the site is created. This unique ID can be used to associate an individual kiosk with the library in which it is located.
  1. Go to : Config > Library > Sites
  2. Locate the library/site you configuring.
  3. Editthe library/site.
  4. Use the SIP2 ID value displayed.