Your library Dashboard can display summary information to keep you informed about library activity. You can configure the information displayed to suit your requirements.
Configure Dashboard Collection Settings
Go to: Configure > Settings > Dashboard
- Global Range - choose days.
- Global Scope:
- choose Media Type to be included on the Dashboard.
- choose Sites to be included on the Dashboard.
- choose Sections to be included on the Dashboard.
- Student Only Counts:
- only count student activity for each category.
- count all activity for each category.
Note: Hover over displayed number for category breakdown.
Configure Dashboard Statistics Settings
Your Dashboard can be configured to display a range of summary statistical circulation activity information in a variety of layouts and displays. These information widgets are displayed as lists or as simple graphs and you can choose a range of variables each display.
The Dashboard is divided into two sections:
- Visible panel - widgets that have been selected for display
- Available panel - widgets that are available for selection
Dashboard Default Widgets
The factory default widgets visible are:
- Loan and Reservations Counts - summary of key circulation statistics
- Popular Titles - number of loans for displayed titles
- Popular Series - series associated with the popular titles
- Popular Authors - authors associated with the popular titles
- Student Borrowers - borrowers with the most loans
Note: You can remove some or all of these widgets from the visible area.returns the Dashboard display to default factory settings.
Dashboard Additional Widgets
Go to: Dashboard
- lower right corner of the Dashboard.
- Available widgets panel:
- Resource Status - show resources by status
- Reservations - count of items in the reservation sub-system
- Circulation by Genre - popular genre
- Circulation by Section - popular sections
- Circulation by Academic Level - year level loans
- Circulation by Media Type - popular media type
- Loans and Returns - activity
- My Personal Notepad - personal note pad
- Available - hover over a widget and hold down the left mouse button to choose it for display.
- Visible - drag the selected widget to the preferred location on this panel.
- choose the parameters to be used by the widget:
- Type - choose the type of display for this category
- Range - choose the date range in days for this category
- Range Type - choose how to apply the Range Category (time or media type)
- Scope - choose between any/all site libraries and Dashboard Filter (see Dashboard Filter and Multiple Collections below)
- Spectrum - choose from a set of three colour matched spectrums
Note: Parameter options vary between widget types.
- Rearrange widgets as required. Note: Position new widgets using slow drag and drop mouse movements to ensure each displays in your preferred position.
- Repeat from Step 3 as required.
Note: The Dashboard configuration is computer/browser specific, not profile specific.
Dashboard Filter and Multiple Collections
Schools using one Infiniti LMS to manage multiple libraries, e.g., Junior Library and Senior Library, and schools using one Infiniti LMS to manage multiple campus libraries, e.g., Junior Campus and Senior Campus, can choose to further refine Dashboard displays to specific libraries or specific campuses. Note: Allowing inter-library loans may impact circulation statistics, e.g., a prolific Junior student borrower who can borrow from the Senior Library could appear on both the Junior Library Dashboard and Senior Library Dashboard.
- Campus Filter:
- Check you have configured campus locations.
- Choose preferred Campus from the list.
Note: Circulation activity across all Physical Sites for the chosen campus will be aggregated and displayed.
- Site Filter:
- Choose preferred Site from the list.
Note: Circulation activity for the chosen site will be displayed.
- Choose preferred Site from the list.
Note: You may experience dashboard refresh delays from time to time depending on parameters.
Remove Widgets From Your Dashboard
Go to: Dashboard
- lower right corner of the Dashboard.
- Choose a widget to display from the Visible panel.
- Hover over the widget and hold down the left mouse button.
- Drag the widget to the Available panel. Note: Position remaining widgets using slow drag and drop mouse movements to ensure each displays in your preferred layout.
- Repeat Step 2 as required.