Your email messages can be customised to contain content and information to suit your library's requirements. Infiniti has a built-in dedicated email template editor to assist you to create and manage your communication scenarios.
Customizing Email Messages - the message you communicate to patrons' contacts.
Patron Contacts - the people you communicate with for each patron.
Circulation Communication Scenarios - the circumstances under which you communicate with patron contacts.
Supplier Orders - email orders sent from Acquisitions to suppliers.
Email Templates from Concord Infiniti on Vimeo.
Go to: Configure > Communication > Email Templates
Email Template List
The first list shows specific scenario templates while the list below shows ad-hoc scenario templates (if any have been created):
- Template name - this should reflect the purpose of the template, e.g., Loans overdue for Year 12, Teacher overdue loans.
- Status of the template:
- Active - in use for the nominated communication scenario.
- Inactive - not in use at this time.
- Used By - is the communication scenario for which this template will be used.
Note: The Used By scenario label derives its name from the selected scenarios on the second page of the template configuration and is not directly editable (see step 9 below in Edit an Exiting Template).
Infiniti has a library of email templates for different communication scenarios.
- Cancelled Reservation - sent to a patron after a reservation has been cancelled.
- Current Loans Report - sent to a patron to show the current loans.
- Expired Reservations - sent to a patron after their reservation has lapsed or expired.
- Expiring Reservations - sent to a patron prior to their reservation expiring.
- Loan Recall - sent to a patron to recall one or more current loans.
- Loans Overdue - sent to a patron to show their current overdue loans.
- Order to Supplier - sent from Acquisitions to Suppliers for orders.
- Patron Receipt - sent to a patron a receipt for their new loans.
- Pre-overdue Notice - sent to a patron to remind them of their current loans prior to them becoming overdue.
- Reservations Ready For Pickup - sent to a patron when their reservations are ready for pickup.
- Reset Forgotten Password - sent to a patron who has requested a reset their forgotten password.
Scenarios can be cloned, renamed and edited to include different criteria from the original. You can:
- Edit an existing template.
- Copy an existing template.
- Add a new template.
- Deactivate an existing template if a new template has been created and used by that scenario.
- Activate an existing template to be Used by that scenario.
- Remove or delete an existing template if an alternative exists and can be used by that scenario.
Email Addressees
Each patron can have one or more contacts who are able to receive email communications sent from Infiniti. Contacts are assigned to each patron as required. Invalid email addresses will be blacklisted when emails are processed. You can remove a blocked email from the blacklist as required.
Custom Email Tags
You can populate your email messages with actual data from Infiniti using custom tags. This process is often referred to as embedding. You create a suitable message for the communication scenario and place the appropriate tags into strategic locations within your message. The custom tags available for the email subject are located immediately below email subject field, while the custom tags for the message body are located in the editor tool set (see image below):
Note: Click on a custom tag in the panel on the right hand side of the editor to better understand what it represents and how it is processed. Date tags will dynamically display in the date format you have set in the date format field.
Tip: Write your message in natural language using names, book titles and other values as place holders. Once your message is grammatically correct, substitute these place holders with the appropriate tag.
Edit a Scenario Template
You can edit and adjust the message, embedded information contained within it, and communication purpose for any template to suit your school's requirements. It is advisable to Copy the original template and edit the copy as you may find it difficult to revert to the original template if the changes are no longer needed.
- Click
to Copy the template you wish to edit
- Click
to edit the new template you wish to change.
- Type a suitable Template Name.
- Set Active Template
as ready to be used for communication.
- Type a suitable Email Subject and optionally embed personalisation tags as required. Note: Copy the entire "[TAG]" to embed it.
- Set the Date Format for any date displayed.
- Optionally set a From: / Reply-To: Address as the reply address for the email recipient. Note: Setting a reply or from address may result in a large number of emails coming from patrons to the nominated email address which should be monitored.
- Record a Blind Carbon Copy address to optionally direct all instances of a template to the BCC recipient as well as the contacts. Note: Setting a BCC address will ensure that all emails sent using this template will be BCCed to this address. This BCC will be ignored for Reset Forgotten Password and Patron Receipt templates.
- Click inside the editor to edit the Email Message. Note: An operator with experience using Tiny Editor (or similar) should create and edit email messages. If you require a new template that is similar to an existing template it may be quicker and easier to copy and edit the existing template rather than create a new one. Below is a sample creation of an overdue message:
- Create a table (most messages will utilize a 2 column * 3 row table).
- Merge the two columns in row 1
- Merge the two columns in row 3
- In row 1, type your salutation, e.g., Dear
to select a suitable place holder.
- Type your opening paragraph message.
- In row 3, type your sign-off message.
- With cursor located in row 2, click repeat
- row will be shaded yellow within the table. Note: Repeating data, e.g., multiple overdue books, are displayed in this yellow shaded area within the message body.
- In row 2, column 1 choose Cover Image from
- In row 2, column 2 choose details of the item, e.g., title, author, due date from
- Click
to set the Purpose for this template. Note: The purpose for a template is a matching of its Communication Scenarios with the communication Presentation Groups, Academic Levels, and Library Groups to which applies.
- For this template, click each scenario in the Used by these Communication Scenarios selection panel Available list to move it to the Selected list. Note: The scenarios selected will be amalgamated into the scenario Used By label on the templates list.
- If this scenario will be Customised for Presentation Groups, set
. Note: Leaving
as the setting will ensure all presentation groups will receive this message unless they are excluded in Communication > Communication Scenarios.
- In the selection panel Available list, click each presentation group the template will not be be used for to move it to the Selected list.
- If this scenario will be Customised for Academic Levels, set
. Note: Leaving
as the setting will ensure all academic levels will receive this message unless they are excluded in Communication > Communication Scenarios.
- In the selection panel Available list, click each academic level the template will not be be used for to move it to the Selected list.
- Tf this scenario will be Customised for Library Groups, set
. Note: Leaving
as the setting will ensure all library groups will receive this message unless they are excluded in Communication > Communication Scenarios.
- In the selection panel Available list, click each library group the template will not be be used for to move it to the Selected list.
- Click
when you are finished.
Note: For assistance with using the template editor please consult your school IT Support officers.
Copy an Existing Template
If you require a new template that is similar to an existing template it may be quicker and easier to copy and edit the existing template rather than create a new one.
- Copy to make a duplicate of an existing template.
- Edit the name of the new template.
- Complete Steps 4 to 16 above.
Note: You cannot duplicate the supplier template.
You can create a new template that is different from all existing templates.
- Click
to add a new template.
- Type a suitable Template Name.
- Type a suitable Email Subject. Note: Copy the entire [TAG] including brackets.
- Set the Date Format for any date displayed.
- Record a Blind Carbon Copy address to optionally direct all instances of a template to the BCC recipient as well as the contacts. Note: Setting a BCC address will ensure that all emails sent using this template will be BCCed to this address. This BCC will be ignored for Reset Forgotten Password and Patron Receipt templates.
- Click inside the editor to create your message.
- For repeating data, e.g., multiple overdue loans for a patron, insert a table with 1 to n columns you require and 1 row only.
- Highlight the row with your mouse pointer, click
in the editor tools to indicate this row may repeat and the table row will be shaded yellow. Note: You should not have more than one repeating row in any scenario message.
- Type text and embed tags in each cell in the row as required, e.g., item title, item author, item due date, and other available information to suit your message requirements.
- Complete Steps 8 to 16 above.
If you no longer require a specific template you can remove it.
- Click to remove the chosen template. Note: You cannot remove a template if it is the only template for a particular communication scenario. You will have to provide an alternative template for the scenario attached to the template you wish to remove.
By default the Loans Overdue Template is the generic template used for normal loans overdue, escalation #1, escalation #2 and escalation #3. If you create separate templates for each of these scenarios to meet your requirements, ensure each scenario continues to have a generic template for general use.
- Copy
Loans Overdue Template and append escalation #1 to its original name.
- Click
to set the Purpose for this template.
- In the Selected list, click to remove Loans Overdue, Loans Overdue - Escalation #2 and Loans Overdue - Escalation #3 from the selected Communication Scenarios.
- Click
. Note: You now have a Loans Overdue Template - Escalation #1.
- Edit
the default (original) generic Loans Overdue Template.
- Click "Next" to set the Purpose for this template.
- In the Selected list, click to remove Loans Overdue - Escalation #1 from the selected Communication Scenarios.
- Click
. Note: Loans Overdue Template is now the generic template for Loans Overdue, Loans Overdue - Escalation #2 and Loans Overdue - Escalation #3.
- Edit the text of the message as required.
- Repeat steps 1 to 9 to create additional escalation templates.
Create a Separate Custom Template for Escalation #1
- Copy Loans Overdue Template - Escalation #1 and append the customisation it addresses to its original name.
- Edit the text of the message as required.
- Click
to set the Purpose for this template - in this case Escalation #1.
- Set to
for the desired target customisation Presentation Groups, Academic Levels, or Library Groups.
- In the selection panel Available list, click each academic level the template will not be be used for to move it to the Selected list.
- Click
Note: This process can be repeated for all templates.
Note: Before customising a scenario template for presentation groups, academic levels or library groups, you must copy the generic template for that scenario and customise the copy.
Edit a Supplier Email Template
The Order to Supplier Template will be common for all orders prepared from Acquisitions. Note: Editing this template may result in failed orders.
- Click
to edit the Order to Supplier Template.
- Set Active Template
as ready to be used for orders.
- Type a suitable Email Subject if needed.
- Set the Date Format for any date displayed.
- Optionally set a From: / Reply-To: Address as the reply address for the email recipient.
- Record a Blind Carbon Copy address to optionally direct all instances of a template to the BCC recipient as well as the contacts. Note: Setting a BCC address will ensure that all emails sent using this template will be BCCed to this address.
- The [details in these brackets] should not edited.
- Click
to set the Purpose for this template.
- For this supplier template, select Order to Supplier only as the scenario in the Used by these Communication Scenarios selection panel Available list to move it to the Selected list.
- Click
when you are finished.
Note: For assistance with using the template editor please consult your school IT Support officers.
Ad-hoc Templates
Ad-hoc templates allow you to communicate emails unrelated to circulation with patrons on an as-needed basis. You can create your own ad-hoc templates for one-off occasions or regular communication requirements:
- Go to Configure > Communications > Email templates
- Scroll to bottom of screen and click on
- Draft your own message for the template and click